
Lilly: 5 months

Our sweet little Lilly turned 5 months old on Sunday, June 29th.  She is such an easy, laid back baby-- I guess she has to be with two older sisters running around! No Dr. visit this month, but I know she is growing steadily. I can't wait to hear her stats next month!

Lilly at 5 months:

- Laughs when her sisters make her swing go really high or when we tickle her
- Smiles the second she sees you bending over her crib each morning or after nap. THIS is my favorite part of every day.
- Rolled from her back to her tummy for the first time on June 21st (big sis, Kinsley's 2nd birthday)
- Enjoys her activity seat
- reaches for everything
- watches our every move when we eat or drink
- was a flower girl in Aunt Amanda's wedding when she was just over 4 months
- traveled to Georgia, Alabama and Florida
- sleeps from 7/7:30pm - 6:30-7am.... occasionally she will wake to eat at 5am, but it is rare.
- Is on a 3-4 hour schedule. Sometimes she could go 4 hours, but I will have to feed her sooner for our family's schedule, and other times she is ready to eat at the 3 hour mark.
- exclusively breast fed
- will take a bottle of breast milk easily, but we rarely offer one.
- uses a paci, thumb or her fingers to soothe herself
- naps 1-2 hours in the morning and again in the afternoon with an occasional cat-nap in the early evening
- refuses to fall asleep in her swing
- paying more attention to Bailey
- has been to the church nursery a few times and does really well
- her hair still sticks up most of the time, but is gradually falling.
- "talks" all of the time
- loves to be held facing outward- she may be a social little girl!
- gets tired of being held and wants to be on the floor playing
- she gets super excited when her sisters give her attention
- only cries if she is hungry or tired
- just moved into 6 month clothing at 5 months
- wears size 3 diapers

Lilly Ann- you are fun, happy and content. We are so blessed to be your parents! We love you!!

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